Kyrgyz Telegraph Agency

Bishkek, 8:43 | 11 february

Ethnical kyrgyz living in Afghan’s Pamir received humanitarian aid

Date: 11:55, 28-11-2014.

«Kyrgyz government, on 19-25 November  2014, rendered humanitarian aid to ethnical kyrgyz people, living in Small and Big Pamir. The overall volume of the aid ammounted to 60 tons worth of 3 mln soms, which consisted of flour, sugar, medicines, tents, warm bedding. We were accompanied by doctors, who had been examining pamir kyrgyz within two days», - said I.Alymkulov.

As he says, Small Pamir hosts 156 nomad tents, and Big Pamir – 115, each family consists of 5-7 people, women are considerably less in number.

«They live in a very severe weather conditions, i was suprised, one has to wear gloves all the time, but they have been living there for 75 years. They speak fluent kyrgyz, and farsi, furthermore, they speak better than we do, they have no inherited words. Kyrgyz ethnicities there, live in yurts, drink milk and eat yak’s meat. They marry their daughters early at the age of 9-10. Most pamir kyrgyz seldom reach the age of 60, due to living conditions and high mountains», - said the minister.

Also he mentioned, that the expedition suggested them to send their children to study for doctors, teachers, so that they could return back and help them.

«The promised to think about it. Some of them expressed their willingness to live even in Kyrgyzstan, but not all, some said they would stay there», - I.Alymkulov told.

We note, Small and Big Pamir belong to the rating of high-mountainous valleys in the world, their height above sea level is between 4100 to 5200 meters. These valleys, by geographical location, are the most remote regions. As of today the number of ethnical kyrgyz there reach to at least 2 thousand people. But, there are no precise number of ethnical kyrgyz living in Afghanistan, due to absence of census.

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