Kyrgyz Telegraph Agency

Bishkek, 21:47 | 21 january

Bishkek hosted presentation of a historical film «Kurmanjan Datka»

Date: 14:54, 01-09-2014.

«The movie, shot by state order, illustrates the life of Kumanjan Datka, who was a symbol of fortitude,  firmness and genuine patriotism. During her reign she could raise the status of Kyrgyz people and deserved love and reverence by her contemporaries and good memory of descendants», - said E. Sarieva.

The Ministry of culture, information and tourism Kamila Talieva stressed, that 70 mln soms from the state budget were allotted to the filming.

«The film has been shot within two years. It displays the life of Alay queen and her role in the history of Kyrgyz people», - said the minister.  

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