Kyrgyz Telegraph Agency

Bishkek, 16:56 | 12 march

Kyrgyzstan needs death penalty for crimes against children

Date: 09:14, 21-01-2015.

The boy was abandoned by his mother, and his father gave him to a beast-relative, who would thrash and rape the infant.

Barbarity committed by him are unfathomable. How could he hit the baby, who even can not talk, let alone hitting back the offender? What the small, defenseless baby was experiencing  at hands of this monster is hard to imagine. Emotions of a normal man go off-scale at hearing such awful stories.

The story is not new and has its start and continuation, one can say even has a tendency. Only ponder and read very attentively these figures. In 2013 the city children’s hospital №3 in Bishkek received 40 children hit by adults, last year – 52 children! Among them 7 are with signs of sexual violence.  

But for alarming signals, which the hospital gives at times, then facts of violence would have been remained secretive. Children in Kyrgyzstan are rightless, parents do not  file complaints to law enforcement officials, covering violators, or parents themselves  - are violators. And militia works only on facts of committed crimes.  

It shocks and angers people, especially if it happens in the capital, when a shocking crime is commited against children. Then again silence, and everybody forgets about it like a fearful dream, untill next awful case. Children stay one on one with their foiled  fate, without hope for happy childhood.

The world went mad – some say, to kill and eliminate – others say, and the thirds  - keep silent. But there are more  and more statements to lift moratorium for death penalty. Children -  future of nations,  and their rights should be inscribed not only in papers, but really be protected by adults, parents, neighbours, journalists, social workers, millionaires, courts, deputies and president.  The justice is hardly believed in nowadays, it is quite shaky here, for judges discredited enough themselves.

If to take even the recent case, that occured nearby  Bishkek. Residents of village lynched themselves the rapist, suspected of sodomy. If the state goes on to distance itself from addressing such evident problems, menacing the nation, then the Halifax law will become a single way to solve problems.  

Meanwhile psychological trauma, children experience in their childhood weigh on them the rest of their life. According to World Health Organisation, consequences of brutality over children will be reflected on children’s physical and psychological health, which later may lead to slowdown of economic and social development of the country.  

The main resource of any state is its people. We want our country to rise on its feet. And how will it happen, when today’s young fellow countrymen are illiterate, non-educated, in some cases lose their human shape?

About million able-bodied kyrgyzstanis have to migrate abroad  in search of better share, leaving their family and children. Here, the future of Kyrgyzstan grows without care, control and support. And instead of those who leave, there grow traumatized, resentful and needless daughters and sons of the nation.

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