Deputy began to swear traffic militiaman, who dared to stop him

Date: 09:31, 22-10-2014.

«Traffic inspector stopped  Suburban with tinted glass (number 0025 KG) to check a driver’s documents. A militiaman came up to the car and introduced himself to the driver. And the driver of the car turned out to be a Jogorku Kenesh deputy Kantemir Murzabekov from «Ata-Jurt» faction. Later he got enraged for being stopped and began to use foul language at the inspector», - says the press service.

At that moment, the head of traffic patrol service Talant Isaev was at the scene, he approached to settle the dispute. But the deputy then began to insult him too, saying, he had an «immunity of a deputy» and then he got into his car and left.    

Traffic service will send an official letter to Jogorku Kenesh regarding this case.

We note, the incident occurred on October 20 on the central square Ala-Too during preparation works to meet the chief of Federation council of RF Valetina Matvienko.


Video of Kiyalbek Toichiev (

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